Code of Conduct for Faculty


All the faculty and staff have to go through the following regulations of College of Nursing and get acquainted. These will help the faculty & staff to maintain the discipline and educational standard of GMN College of Nursing.

The Management reserves the right to modify any of the Institute rules as and when necessary. The decision of the Management in all matters shall be final.

WORKING HOURS: 48 Hours /Week

Monday – Saturday: 9.00 am to 4:00 pm

Attendance: It is mandatory to imprint in Biometric on Entry and Exit from College of Nursing.


Faculty members need to dress professionally and observe the faculty dress code guidelines as follows:

  • Every male teaching faculty is expected to wear a full or half sleeve shirt to be tucked inside the pant along with a lab coat.
  • Every male office staff is demanded to wear a shirt to be tucked inside the pant.
  • Every female teaching staff is expected to wear a saree and blouse along with a lab coat OR a suit with dupatta.
  • Every female office staff is demanded to wear a saree and blouse OR a suit with dupatta.
  • Every female library staff is demanded to wear a saree and blouse OR a suit with dupatta.
  • It is expected to wear minimum ornaments.
  • Every staff (teaching and non-teaching) is stipulated to wear a college ID card within the college premises.
Job Responsibilities

Each faculty would be given responsibility as follows:

  • Academic Responsibility
  • Clinical Responsibility
Academic Responsibility

Each faculty shall be allotted to the department according to their specialization or on a need basis. She/He will have:

  • Teaching load and clinical responsibilities according to the designations.
  • In addition to the teaching assignments, each faculty will be given additional special responsibilities.
  • Administrative responsibilities
  • Class coordinator/Asst. Class coordinator/Subject coordinatorship and Mentorship
  • Maintenance of departmental files
  • Maintenance of Departmental Library
  • Lab in-charge /Assistant Lab in-charge
  • Coordinator of various Committees
Clinical Responsibility

Every faculty shall be given a specific clinical area for which she/he is responsible and accountable for the quality of patient care, meeting the clinical requirements of the students and clinical teaching.


Faculties are accountable for the responsibilities assigned and maintain high standards of discipline. Faculty is expected to:

  • Converse only in English with the students and faculty.
  • Be available in person for the students on working days or on the phone during leave for any needs.
  • Report any untoward incident with regard to the students and staff which occurs in the campus to the Coordinator, Vice-Principal/Principal without delay.
  • Be punctual for the class.
  • Abstain from receiving any form of gifts from the students.
  • Carry out his/her class schedules as per the timetable.
  • Use innovative and appropriate methods in teaching.
  • Complete the course/subject in a specified time period.
  • Extra classes can be arranged by the coordinator with prior information to the principal office.
  • Assess the students' learning in an objective way using standardized Performa.
  • Evaluate answer sheets within a week and discuss with the students in the class.
  • Correct written assignments/seminar plans/lesson plans within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Evaluation formats to be signed by the students after discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the assignment.

Each faculty is expected to maintain their own service register of activities/work log/responsibilities in the college as well as in the clinical area.


Every teacher must maintain a course diary for each subject offered during the semester/year. It shall have the following details:

  • Syllabus
  • Lecture Plan
  • Lecture notes for each period
  • Date and time of preparation
  • Date and time of delivery

Each faculty is permitted to take 2 books at a time, can retain them for 15 days, and renew twice. He/She is not permitted to retain any books for the entire semester.

  • All communications to be done through the proper channel including leave recommendations.
  • HOD, Class coordinators, subject coordinators, committee secretaries should report regularly regarding their departmental activities, class meetings, etc.
  • The performance of the students in unit tests, clinical evaluations, presentations, projects to be reported to the Principal office regularly and at significant times.
General conditions applicable to all types of leave:
  • Leave shall be applied in the prescribed format and leave address and contact numbers should be furnished clearly.
  • Leave form should be submitted to the principal along with the signature of the HOD on the previous day before 12 noon.
  • Leave calculation based on the academic year starts from 1st January and ends by December 31st for educational institutions and for all others based on the calendar year starts from January 1st and ends by December 31st.
  • Half day leave is allowed.
  • Management reserves the right to require any employee to work on holidays if necessary for operational needs. Compensatory leave will be provided accordingly.
Casual Leave (CL)
  • Regular employees are eligible for 12 days Casual leave in a year (i.e. One day per completed month).
  • Casual leave cannot be taken more than 3 days at a time continuously. If anyone needs more than two, needs to get Director’s approval.
  • Application for casual leave shall be submitted well in advance except for unforeseen circumstances.
  • Casual leave cannot be combined with any other leave and cannot be accumulated.
Sick Leave (SL)
  • Regular employees are eligible for 12 days sick leave in an academic year.
  • Application for sick leave shall be submitted in writing specifying the nature of sickness within a reasonably possible time.
  • In case of sudden sickness, messages should be conveyed to the controlling authority and followed by a written application.
  • Application for sick leave of 2 days and more shall be accompanied by a medical certificate and a Fitness certificate should be produced while rejoining after leave.
Annual leave (AL)
  • Every regular employee after 12 months of continuous service will be eligible for annual leave of 12 days in a year.
  • An employee who does not complete one-year continuous service is not eligible for annual leave.
  • Application for annual leave shall be submitted in advance in the prescribed format and availed only after obtaining sanction.
  • Employees, before proceeding on leave, shall ensure the written sanction of the leave.
  • Absenting without getting prior sanction of leave will be treated as unauthorized absence which constitutes misconduct.
  • Employees shall hand over charge to the authorized person before proceeding on leave.
  • Annual leave cannot be availed for less than 5 continuous days at a time.
  • Management will have the right to refuse leave and also to recall any employee from leave in case of emergencies of work.
  • Extension of leave will not be allowed except in extraordinary cases at the discretion of the management.
  • Application for extension of leave shall also be submitted in advance and prior sanction obtained.
Maternity Leave (ML)

A regular woman employee may avail of 20 weeks as maternity leave.

On-duty leave
  • Examination: M.Sc. Nursing faculties will get 3 days on duty leave per subject in an academic year.
  • Practical examination: M.Sc. Nursing faculties will get 4 days and B.Sc. faculties 2 days on duty leave per subject practical in an academic year.

A regular teaching staff must compulsorily attend a minimum of 1 seminar and a maximum of 3 Seminars and also one paper presentation and one paper publication in a Journal National/International in an academic year.


Faculties are accountable for the responsibilities assigned and maintain high standards of delivering value-based quality education to the students as follows:

Classroom Teaching Strategies:
  • Lecture, Demonstration, Field trip, Role play, Assignments, Seminars, Symposiums, Simulation exercises, and Workshops
Clinical Teaching Strategies:
  • Demonstration, Bedside clinic, Nursing Rounds, Case study, Clinical Presentations, Nursing Care conference, OSCE, and Observational visits.
AV Aids:
  • Blackboard, OHP, LCD, Charts, and Models.
Evaluation Strategies:

Formative & Summative, Internal Assessment & University Examinations.

  • 3–5-unit test
  • 2 model exams (Sessional / Term Exam)
  • 1-2 observational visit & report
  • 2 Assignments
  • 2 model exams
  • Case study & Care plan
  • Drug book
  • Clinical Performance Evaluation
  • Case presentation & Clinical teachings
  • Health education

GMN College of Nursing organizes continuing Education Programs regularly, Faculty are responsible and would be involved in various committees for conducting the conference and workshop at Regional, National, and International levels.

Organizing Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
  • Regional workshops/seminars: Every year
  • National conferences/seminars: Once in two years

GMN College of Nursing organizes faculty development programs on non-academic topics based on the felt need of the faculty on Alternative months (1st Friday) in a year. (January, March, May, July, September & November)


All faculty in the department are encouraged to conduct Individual or Group projects and aim for Research Grant projects. It is mandatory for every faculty to have a minimum of 2 publications per year.


Faculties would be involved in the Student Support System and are expected to shoulder up the responsibility as follows in various activities:

Foster Family:
  • To give parental care.
  • To provide an environment in which students can interact freely and share their concerns and problems with classmates, seniors, and teachers.
  • To bring about group cohesion among students of different batches.
  • To reduce stress among students.
  • To support academically weak students.
  • To promote leadership and creative abilities among students.
Health Care Facility
  • A teacher in charge of the health of the students for each batch to maintain Health Records for all the students.
  • Medical treatment for both IP and OP in Civil Hospital Ambala Cantt.
  • Sick leave could be availed with the permission of Medical Officer, Ambala Cantt.
  • All Faculty and Staffs are expected to maintain the highest standard of discipline and code of conduct.
  • The Disciplinary Committee may impose the following actions upon a staff who has been found to have breached discipline:

Oral warning/ written warning/Memo/Suspension will be issued depending on the decision of the disciplinary committee against the severity of the misconduct/disciplinary problems encountered.


Termination: If the faculty is found to have indulged in repeated misconduct, in spite of oral, written warning/suspension from college, she/he would be terminated from the college.